
Recruiting Seminars for Job Market Candidates

Recently we just completed our new professor hiring process. The job market candidates either come from top schools in the US (ex: Stanford*2, Wharton*2, Columbia, NYU) or Europe (ex: HEC, EPFL, Norway). Some of them already have R&R in top 3 finance journals and decent job market papers.

最近我們系上剛剛完成了新的教授招聘流程。候選人都來自美國的頂尖學校(如:史丹佛* 2、賓州華頓* 2、哥倫比亞、紐約大學)或歐洲(如:HEC、EPFL、挪威)。其中一些已經在三大金融期刊有 R&R 和不錯的個人研究論文。

Besides good research papers, our professors always put emphasis on the presentation skills and sell your ideas to the audience even they are not in your research fields. Then you need to show your interests to join the schools you desire and show you are a good colleague for at least the following years.
