

目前顯示的是 3月, 2018的文章


今天看到盧老師的 動態 ,發現單純看台灣的經濟/財金/商學院碩士班錄取率,其實比起國外研究所還要低,能考上也不容易。以前我們 Duke 經濟碩士,錄取率差不多 30% (154/518 (2016))。以下為盧老師整理的近年資料 (報考人數/錄取名額): 財金類 台大財金乙:52/7 (2016), 54/6 (2017), 58/5 (2018) 政大財管:362/19 (2016), 392/16 (2017), 271/17 (2018) 政大金融金融管理:104/8 (2016), 147/8 (2017), 158/10 (2018) 政大金融財工組:108/8 (2016), 111/8 (2017), 63/7 (2018) 清大計財甲:345/5 (2016), 334/5 (2017), 102/5 (2018) 清大計財乙:162/5 (2016), 115/5 (2017), 46/5 (2018) 經濟類 台大經濟:303/28 (2016), 276/23 (2017), 243/23 (2018) 政大經濟:363/20 (2016), 451/19 (2017), 194/21 (2018) 清大經濟:199/12 (2016), 157/10 (2017), 54/10 (2018) 政大國貿國際經濟組:232/22 (2016), 322/16 (2017), 173/16 (2018) 政大財政:156/17 (2016), 112/18 (2017), 105/21 (2018) 其他商院 台大國企甲:562/21 (2016), 521/18 (2017), 539/18 (2018) 台大國企乙:174/7 (2016), 133/6 (2017), 87/6 (2018) 台大商研甲:657/16 (2016), 705/17 (2017), 477/16 (2018) 台大商研乙:142/10 (2016), 103/12 (2017), 90/9 (2018) 同場加映:國外碩博班的申請統計,手邊有的資料大概如下 (Enrolee/Admission/Applicant): 經濟博士 (Econ PhD)  Northwestern: 24/106/

UBC Winter Finance Conference 2018

Whistler is famous for skiing and holding Olympic Games before, but we come here for academia conference. Our conference is quite special. Wake up at 5 am and seminars start from 7. Many professors go skiing during the noon break. Great experience for 1st-year PhD student. Lots of things to learn, including research, presentation skills, networking.