

目前顯示的是 2月, 2018的文章

Ice Hockey in Vancouver Canada

First time to watch hockey in Canada. Ice hockey is the national sport in Canada (some local guys told me that lacrosse is the most popular sport.) Canada won the Olympic ice hockey gold medals in 2010 and 2014 for both men and women. Vancouver holds the 2010 Winter Olympic and Sidney Crosby scores the Golden Goal to beat the USA in the overtime. 第一次在加拿大看冰球比賽,冰球和袋棍球(Lacrosse)是加拿大的國球,他們曾經在2010、2014 年贏得男子、女子冰球冠軍,2010 年在溫哥華舉辦時更是受到當地矚目,決賽靠著 Sidney Crosby* 的延長賽黃金進球,擊敗美國贏得金牌使得舉國歡騰。 Although Vancouver Canucks is not the strong team in recent years, the atmosphere is still impressive for me. People focus on the ball game and cheer for their home team. This reminds me the experience at Duke basketball court. Fans are crazy about their favorite team. 雖然溫哥華加人在近年的戰績都不突出,今天的觀眾還是很熱情的為地主隊加油,這點讓我想起以前在杜克看男籃的經驗,大家對於自己支持的球隊都很狂熱。 *Sidney Crosby 像是冰球界的LBJ, 從高中時就名滿天下,曾帶領加拿大兩度奪下奧運金牌,自己的NHL母隊-匹茲堡企鵝也是前兩年的史坦利盃冠軍。影片是2010年在這個場地奪金的致勝球。

Recruiting Seminars for Job Market Candidates

Recently we just completed our new professor hiring process. The job market candidates either come from top schools in the US (ex: Stanford*2, Wharton*2, Columbia, NYU) or Europe (ex: HEC, EPFL, Norway). Some of them already have R&R in top 3 finance journals and decent job market papers. 最近我們系上剛剛完成了新的教授招聘流程。候選人都來自美國的頂尖學校(如:史丹佛* 2、賓州華頓* 2、哥倫比亞、紐約大學)或歐洲(如:HEC、EPFL、挪威)。其中一些已經在三大金融期刊有 R&R 和不錯的個人研究論文。 Besides good research papers, our professors always put emphasis on the presentation skills and sell your ideas to the audience even they are not in your research fields. Then you need to show your interests to join the schools you desire and show you are a good colleague for at least the following years. 除了優秀的研究之外,我們的教授一直都很強調演講技巧,並將想法讓聽眾們買單則更為重要,即使不是他們的研究領域。然後,還要表現出想要加入那所學校的決心,和證明在未來幾年會是一個好同事。就業市場如此激烈,現在就應該要開始培養這些技能

Duke PhD Production Network

An interesting interactive chart 1  to show the relationship among different research fields at Duke. For example, Economics research is close to the Business (Finance included), Sociology, Public Policy, and Psychology. The other  interaction chart (2)  shows that continent where Economics and Finance is quite surprised for me. We locate with psychology & neuro and nursing! Photo: DNAC